Z security: How does one get Z security, who bears its expenses?

Z security: How does one get Z security, who bears its expenses?

In the country Preparations for Lok Sabha elections are going on in full swing. Recently, the government has given Z category VIP security of armed commandos to Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar. Let us tell you that this decision has been taken by the Home Ministry on the basis of the report of Intelligence Bureau (IB). But the question is how to get Z security and who bears its expenses. Today we will tell you who can get this security…

Who will get security?

Let us tell you that any person can get security cover. The decision to give is taken by the Home Ministry. Apart from this, it is available to important personalities. Like the current Home Minister Amit Shah, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh

Who bears its expenses?

You must have seen that whoever gets this security, there is a group of soldiers and security vehicles with him. Is. This security system is a very expensive system. In such a situation the question arises that who bears this expense? The very simple answer to this is that it is the responsibility of the government to provide security to the citizens. In such a situation, the government also bears the expenses of this VIP security.

Let us tell you that in response to an RTI filed in 2014, the government had said that the expenses of these security circles go to the account of the state government. The cost of security is borne by the state government in which the person receiving security usually resides. Many agencies are involved in this type of system. Therefore, the exact figure of expenditure on security cover cannot be told. 


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